UpStable Live Price Update & Market Capitalization

UpStable USTX Rank #7899

$0.003370 1.08%

Market Overview

UpStable current market price is $0.003370 with a 24 hour trading volume of $28. The total available supply of UpStable is 6,318.04K USTX. It has secured Rank 7899 in the cryptocurrency market with a marketcap of $21,289. The USTX price is 1.08% up in the last 24 hours.

The lowest price of the UpStable is $0.003334 & the highest price is $0.003373 in the last 24 hours. Live UpStable prices from all markets and USTX coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest UpStable price movements. Check our coin stats data and see when there is an opportunity to buy or sell UpStable at best price in the market.

UpStable Price


Price Change (24h)

$0 1.08%

24h Low / 24h High

$0.003334 / $0.003373

Market Cap

$21,289 1.07%

Fully Diluted Market Cap


Trading Volume (24H)


Circulating Supply

6,318.04K USTX

Max Supply

(Not Available)

UpStable Historical Data Price Chart













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#ExchangePairPriceVolume (24h)Trust Score
JustMoney (Tron)TYX2IY3.../TNUC9QB...$0.003377$28N/A

About UpStable (USTX) Cryptocurrency

USTX is a utility token deployed on Tron blockchain. Its purpose is to fill the gap between high yield tokens and stablecoins. High yield tokens have great growth potential but also exhibit a very high volatility and price fluctuations over short time. Stablecoins on the other hand have no volatility but they also cannot grow.USTX has its heart in the project DEX that implements a novel reserve liquidity management to allow the token price to grow over time with low volatility, making it ideal for value storage and as a means of payment for goods and services.The USTX DEX has a multiasset reserve made of stablecoins (USDT, USDC, USDJ and TUSD) and a smart contract driven liquidity management that mints and burns USTX in the reserve to enhance the price growth and reduce drawdown in case of sell-off. It's NOT a rebase token!

Tags Tron Ecosystem BitTorrent Ecosystem

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