Biswap V3 Exchange & Trading Pairs Info

Biswap V3

9.33 BTC (24H Trading Volume)

Exchange Overview

Biswap V3 exchange 24 hours trading volume is 9.33 BTC. Biswap V3 exchange is established in year 2022 at country (Not Available) and secured Rank 215 in the cryptocurrency exchange market.

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Exchange Name

Biswap V3

Volume (24H)

9.33 BTC



Established Year


Biswap V3 Historical Data Volume Chart

Biswap V3 Top Trading Pairs Info

#CryptocurrencyPairPriceVolume (24H)
Binance Bridged Usdt Bnb Smart Chain0X55D39.../0XBB4CD...$1.00$179,065
Binance Peg Litecoin0X43386.../0X55D39...$89.40$156,552
Binance Bitcoin0X7130D.../0XBB4CD...$81,980.00$133,238
Binance Peg Cardano0X3EE22.../0XBB4CD...$0.726$46,640
Binance Peg Weth0X2170E.../0X55D39...$1,861.59$36,952
Binance Peg Weth0X2170E.../0XBB4CD...$1,864.16$33,694
Binance Peg Weth0X2170E.../0X7130D...$1,864.16$17,571
Binance Peg Polkadot0X70836.../0XBB4CD...$3.93$17,609
Binance Peg Sol0X570A5.../0XBB4CD...$124.64$13,741
Binance Bridged Usdt Bnb Smart Chain0X55D39.../0X7130D...$1.01$11,550
Binance Bridged Usdt Bnb Smart Chain0X55D39.../0X8AC76...$0.998$5,527
Tron Bsc0XCE7DE.../0XBB4CD...$0.221$3,593
Binance Bridged Usdt Bnb Smart Chain0X55D39.../0XE9E7C...$1.00$1,273
Matic Network0XCC427.../0XBB4CD...$0.217$232
Bfg Token0XBB466.../0X55D39...$0.0210$161
True Usd0X40AF3.../0X55D39...$1.00$23
Carbon Browser0X04756.../0X55D39...$0.006722$4
Binance Peg Dogecoin0XBA2AE.../0XBB4CD...$0.165$60,033
Binance Peg Xrp0X1D2F0.../0XBB4CD...$2.18$6,196
Binance Peg Bitcoin Cash0X8FF79.../0XBB4CD...$337.75$1,971
The Open Network0X76A79.../0XBB4CD...$2.66$437
Trust Wallet Token0X4B0F1.../0XBB4CD...$0.861$4,516
Binance Peg Cardano0X3EE22.../0XBB4CD...$0.807$3
Wrapped Beacon Eth0XA2E33.../0X2170E...$2,026.63$34

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