Magic Eden (Runes) Exchange & Trading Pairs Info

Magic Eden (Runes)

3.49 BTC (24H Trading Volume)

Exchange Overview

Magic Eden (Runes) exchange 24 hours trading volume is 3.49 BTC. Magic Eden (Runes) exchange is established in year 2022 at country (Not Available) and secured Rank 842 in the cryptocurrency exchange market.

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Exchange Name

Magic Eden (Runes)

Volume (24H)

3.49 BTC



Established Year


Magic Eden (Runes) Historical Data Volume Chart

Magic Eden (Runes) Top Trading Pairs Info

#CryptocurrencyPairPriceVolume (24H)
Dog Go To The Moon RuneDOG•G.../BTC$0.001848$176,204
Magic Internet Money RunesMAGIC.../BTC$0.001643$54,672
Billion Dollar Cat RunesBILLION.../BTC$0.007186$16,913
Gizmo Imaginary Kitten RunesGIZMO.../BTC$0.002532$4,177
Cypher Genesis RunesCYPHER.../BTC$0.00062996$4,146
Saiko HamsterSAIKO.../BTC$0.0182$3,570
Mr Yen Japanese Businessman RunesMR•YE.../BTC$0.005798$671
Zbit OrdinalsZBIT•.../BTC$0.0954$601
Z Z Z Z Z Fehu Z Z Z Z ZZ•Z.../BTC$1.85$555
Memento MoriMEMENTO.../BTC$0.0166$389
Waddle Waddle PenguWADDLE.../BTC$0.00020554$364
Bitcoin Bro Bear RunesBITCOIN.../BTC$0.00044702$272
Gob Is Gob Is GobGOB•I.../BTC$0.00039806$222
Based Internet Panda RunesBASED.../BTC$0.00074531$131
Decentralized RunesDECENTR.../BTC$0.0000646200$74
Tanuki Wisdom RunesTANUKI.../BTC$0.0128$58
Cats In The SatsCATS•.../BTC$0.0165$48
Pooka Cannot Be StoppedPOOKA.../BTC$0.0000825300$26
Rune PupsPUPS•.../BTC$0.0199$5,027
Lobo The Wolf Pup RunesLOBO•.../BTC$0.00018762$1,575
Liquidium TokenLIQUIDI.../BTC$0.148$519
Notice Me SenpaiNOTICE.../BTC$0.00045447$2,387
Anarcho CatbusANARCHO.../BTC$0.0112$197
Stupid Silly Cat RunesSTUPID.../BTC$0.00010050$127
Cook The MempoolCOOK•.../BTC$0.00047037$102
Satoshi Nakamoto RuneSATOSHI.../BTC$0.102$95
Epic Epic Epic EpicEPIC•.../BTC$0.00064411$81
Billion Dollar Dog RunesBILLION.../BTC$0.0000580000$85
Wanko Manko RuneWANKO.../BTC$0.004938$49
Meme Economics RuneMEME•.../BTC$0.0123$32
Bamk Of Nakamoto DollarBAMK•.../BTC$0.00014378$28
Organic Bitcorn RunesORGANIC.../BTC$0.0000221500$11

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