SyncSwap V3 (zkSync) Exchange & Trading Pairs Info

SyncSwap V3 (zkSync)

22.90 BTC (24H Trading Volume)

Exchange Overview

SyncSwap V3 (zkSync) exchange 24 hours trading volume is 22.90 BTC. SyncSwap V3 (zkSync) exchange is established in year (Not Available) at country (Not Available) and secured Rank 420 in the cryptocurrency exchange market.

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Exchange Name

SyncSwap V3 (zkSync)

Volume (24H)

22.90 BTC



Established Year


SyncSwap V3 (zkSync) Historical Data Volume Chart

SyncSwap V3 (zkSync) Top Trading Pairs Info

#CryptocurrencyPairPriceVolume (24H)
Txsync Bridged Wsteth Zksync0X703B5.../0X5AEA5...$2,264.37$163,927
Noon Usn0X0469D.../0X3355D...$1.000$59,898
Wrapped Rseth0XD4169.../0X5AEA5...$1,962.61$2,206
Zksync Bridged Usdc Zksync0X3355D.../0X5AEA5...$1.00$981
Zksync Bridged Wbtc Zksync0XBBEB5.../0X5AEA5...$82,264.00$1,011
Usd Coin0X1D17C.../0X5AEA5...$0.999$639,957
Usd Coin0X1D17C.../0X3355D...$0.999$72,581
Wrapped Usdm0XA900C.../0X1D17C...$1.07$2

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