Uniswap V4 (Polygon) Exchange & Trading Pairs Info

Uniswap V4 (Polygon)

14.74 BTC (24H Trading Volume)

Exchange Overview

Uniswap V4 (Polygon) exchange 24 hours trading volume is 14.74 BTC. Uniswap V4 (Polygon) exchange is established in year (Not Available) at country (Not Available) and secured Rank 424 in the cryptocurrency exchange market.

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Exchange Name

Uniswap V4 (Polygon)

Volume (24H)

14.74 BTC



Established Year


Uniswap V4 (Polygon) Historical Data Volume Chart

Uniswap V4 (Polygon) Top Trading Pairs Info

#CryptocurrencyPairPriceVolume (24H)
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0X82080...$1.000$15,504
Polygon Bridged Usdt Polygon0XC2132.../0X1BFD6...$1.000$241,806
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0X7CEB2...$1.000$144,891
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0XC2132...$1.00$43,904
Polygon Bridged Wbtc Polygon Pos0X1BFD6.../0X7CEB2...$83,060.00$86,794
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0X1BFD6...$1.000$74,359
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0X53E0B...$1.00$63,278
Polygon Bridged Wbtc Polygon Pos0X1BFD6.../0X7CEB2...$83,468.00$39,206
Sol Wormhole0XD93F7.../0X7CEB2...$125.74$43,057
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0XD6DF9...$0.999$29,005
Bridged Usdc Polygon Pos Bridge0X2791B.../0X1BFD6...$1.000$8,683
Bridged Usdc Polygon Pos Bridge0X2791B.../0X53E0B...$1.000$6,067
Lido Dao0XC3C7D.../0X7CEB2...$0.917$5,424
Polygon Bridged Usdt Polygon0XC2132.../0XD6DF9...$0.999$4,844
Render Token0X61299.../0X7CEB2...$3.07$1,019
The Sandbox0XBBBA0.../0XC2132...$0.281$1,186
Polygon Pos Bridged Dai Polygon Pos0X8F3CF.../0XC2132...$1.000$1,075
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0X6F7C9...$1.000$475
Polygon Bridged Usdt Polygon0XC2132.../0X1BFD6...$1.00$191
Polygon Bridged Wsteth Polygon0X03B54.../0XC9195...$2,849.51$110
Render Token0X61299.../0X7CEB2...$3.06$83
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0X3C597...$1.000$35
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0XAC0F6...$1.000$55
Bridged Usdc Polygon Pos Bridge0X2791B.../0X7CEB2...$1.000$126,002
Bridged Usdc Polygon Pos Bridge0X2791B.../0XD6DF9...$1.000$8,538
Bridged Usdc Polygon Pos Bridge0X2791B.../0X3C499...$1.000$894
Polygon Bridged Usdt Polygon0XC2132.../0X1BFD6...$1.00$10
Polygon Bridged Usdt Polygon0XC2132.../0XE6A53...$1.000$51
Bridged Usdc Polygon Pos Bridge0X2791B.../0XB33EA...$0.999$202
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0XC3C7D...$0.999$758
Polygon Bridged Usdt Polygon0XC2132.../0X7CEB2...$0.996$33,496
Bridged Usdc Polygon Pos Bridge0X2791B.../0X1BFD6...$1.00$29,295
Bridged Usdc Polygon Pos Bridge0X2791B.../0X7CEB2...$0.995$6,763
Bridged Usdc Polygon Pos Bridge0X2791B.../0XC3C7D...$1.01$1,211
Polygon Bridged Usdt Polygon0XC2132.../0X7CEB2...$0.997$104
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0X3C597...$1.000$113
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0X431D5...$1.04$1,697
Wrapped Btc Wormhole0X5D49C.../0X1BFD6...$790,679.00$5
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0XAC0F6...$1.00$6
Sol Wormhole0XD93F7.../0X1BFD6...$146.87$225
Polygon Bridged Usdt Polygon0XC2132.../0XD93F7...$1.00$1,302
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0XD93F7...$0.995$100
Usd Coin0X3C499.../0X7CEB2...$0.925$452
Bridged Usdc Polygon Pos Bridge0X2791B.../0X1BFD6...$0.987$950
Bridged Usdc Polygon Pos Bridge0X2791B.../0X7CEB2...$0.900$2

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